[Pkg-xen-devel] Release notes addition for Xen support in Debian

Thomas Goirand zigo at debian.org
Tue Dec 28 14:47:56 UTC 2010


Thanks Martin, for your comments.

On 12/28/2010 04:23 PM, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> In general I support this. Those are changes worth mentioning. On the
> other hand your text reads more like a howto, which IMHO should be
> content for wiki.debian.org. Maybe have the release notes linking a wiki
> document instead?

I did accordingly.

I also added few things to the wiki (like what packages to apt-get
install if you run on 32 bits, plus few words on dtc-xen, a bit about
the antispoof=yes thing, and other stuff).

>> Could others please give me comments on this? Also, some correction for
>> my (poor) English would be welcome when/if you spot issues.
> You are aware that we have debian-l10n-english at l.d.o for exactly that
> reason?

Yes, but maybe we shall make sure that we agree with the *content*
before we send it to them for correction, right? Your comments on the
tone (which should be neutral) and the fact that it shouldn't be a howto
was helpful.

> Also i spotted that some of your wording is quite negative
> ("Unfortunaly", "As a consequence", "Another thing that you have to take
> care about", ...). I would like to suggest we come up with at least a
> neutral wording here.

Right. Changed. Attached is the new text, please re-read and let me know
what you think.

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