[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#644125: Bug#644125: xenstore-utils has completely inadequate description
Craig Sanders
cas at taz.net.au
Wed Oct 12 01:59:49 UTC 2011
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 02:11:52AM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Because I agree with you, at the end of August, I sent a patch to the
> pkg-dev list in the hope of making it better:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-xen-devel/2011-August/003531.html
> But nobody told me if it was ok to commit, if it would be accepted,
> rejected, if I should NMU the change, or whatever.
> Please read my proposed change, and voice your opinion (or even better,
> modify and enhance my patch).
that's a fantastic improvement, thanks.
I still can't tell whether xenstore-utils should be installed on the
Dom0 or the DomU or both? Both would be my guess.
my current situation (and the reason why i care about the desc for
this package) is that I inherited a Citrix Xen server (v5.0.0) with a
bunch of debian etch & lenny VMs running on them. I've upgraded a few
to squeeze, but the xenserver host no longer knows what the guest's
OS/version is (says something about guest utilities not installed).
i've downloaded the latest citrix xe-guest-utilities that I could
find (xe-guest-utilities_5.6.0-595_i386.deb) which seems to contain
older versions of the same utils as xenstore-utils (but in /usr/bin
rather than /usr/sbin) PLUS an init.d script and xe-linux-distribution,
xe-daemon, xe-update-guest-attrs in /usr/sbin.
is there an equivalent to/replacement for those last 4 items in debian?
yes, i probably should rebuild that Citrix Xen server as a Debian Xen
server...but if i was going to go all that trouble and take all the VMs
down for the day or so it would take, I'd probably just convert it to
I've gotta say, I much prefer KVM to Xen. It's never given me anywhere
near as much grief as this Xen box has over the last few weeks.
craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>
BOFH excuse #306:
CPU-angle has to be adjusted because of vibrations coming from the nearby road
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