[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#703586: Xen fails to boot Linux dom0 under UEFI

John Keates john at keates.nl
Sat Sep 6 22:02:52 UTC 2014

How do I assist with getting this in for Jessie?

I have this working in a fairly easy setup, it basically only requires the pep target to be on for debian’s Xen package,
and a tiny bit of infrastructure to get xen.efi, vmlinuz, an initrd and a xen.cfg on to the ESP partition and letting the efibootmgr know about it.

I already have a oneliner to do this manually, but it isn’t that hard to automate, unless that tiny bit of infrastructure regarding the kernel bits and efi boot is creating a ripple touching many other packages, or if there are rules I am not aware of that make this really hard to make conform to those rules.

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