[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#785187: [Xen-devel] Bug#785187: xen-hypervisor-4.5-amd64: Option ucode=scan is not working

Atom2 ariel.atom2 at web2web.at
Thu May 14 20:56:53 UTC 2015

Am 14.05.15 um 10:41 schrieb Ian Campbell:
> Thanks Atom2, thanks for the refs, I've added the Debian bug and the
> submitter back to the CC.
Unfortunately those recipients originally seem to have escaped my eye 
... but they are included now.
> On Wed, 2015-05-13 at 22:11 +0200, Atom2 wrote:
>> Am 13.05.15 um 15:41 schrieb Ian Campbell:
>>> I think I remember some discussion of something in this area not too
>>> long ago on xen-devel. CC-s added.
>> I assume you refer to this discussion which happend to be on the
>> xen-users mailing list:
>> http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-users/2014-05/msg00052.html
>> Especially look at the first answer
>> (http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-users/2014-05/msg00053.html).
> This says "not 'cpio -o c' as some information on the internet
> suggests", do you have a link? Is it to something the xenproject
> controls and could update (i.e. our wiki and/or in tree docs?)
> Cheers,
> Ian.
Ian, I am unable to find any of those links that I had read back then 
when I wrote the "not 'cpio ..." part in my answer to the list referred 
to above.

I now have only been able to come up with 
http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable/misc/amd-ucode-container.txt, which 
is dated _after_ my referred mail (both the original and the amended 
version) and clearly also states the "-H newc" option. This document BTW 
contains a pretty good recipe for making this happen and also seems to 
be in line with what I had suggested earlier. So in a nutshell, 
xenproject seems to have things correct.

Appologies for not being able to be more helpful.

Regards Atom2

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