[Pkg-xen-devel] Xen Security Update - XSA-{268,269,272,273}

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Wed Aug 15 23:20:02 BST 2018

Thanks for doing all the hard work.  Can you confirm exactly which git
commitid you tested ?  Was it 522f2f393509f22188945108d776b7a9abbd9e30 ?

I ask because I thought you said you were going to fiddle with the
changelog, and my just-done git-fetch salsa-security didn't get any
updates.  That makes me think maybe you forgot to push and that I
might not have the right code.

I want to make sure that what I upload is what was tested.  (modulo
changelog finalisation, etc.)


Ian Jackson <ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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