[Pkg-xen-devel] git workflow, redux

Ian Jackson ijackson at chiark.greenend.org.uk
Fri Aug 24 12:27:21 BST 2018

Hans van Kranenburg writes ("Re: git workflow, redux"):
> On 08/23/2018 08:07 PM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > I think git-debrebase is going to be easier for all these things than
> > the current approach.
> Ok, let's try it! Thanks a lot for doing the above writeup.

Great, thanks.  (I hope it's OK that I have snipped most of your
responses to the discussion, that didn't seem to want a reply.)

> How to proceed:
> Can you provide me with some rtfm pointers and instructions about how
> you would like to see things being transformed? Or would you like to do
> it together? Do we want to do this before or after Sep 10?

I would like to do this as soon as possible.

There is no pre-cooked recipe or tool for converting a packaging-only
style branch to a git-debrebase branch.  And this kind of surgery
involves more a thorough understanding of the gdr branch format than
merely using the tool on an existing branch does.

If you would like to try it then you're welcome to, but maybe it would
be better for me to do it.  How about I do this today, and push it to
a wip branch on salsa for you and Wolodja to take a look at.

(FTR: I think that git-merge to bring in upstream, plus git-debrebase
convert-from-gbp, might do the right thing, so I will try that first.)

> I actually already have some questions about the git-debrebase behavior
> to start with:

Of course.  This is quite new tool and in particular the user
documentation hasn't had much contact with users who aren't intimately
familiar with how it works.  I think this is particularly true for
people who are more familiar with older Debian packaging workflows.

So please do ask me questions here, or on irc, or whatever.

> 1: meta information
> When writing software and git commits, my main incentive is to have a
> future reader understand what I'm doing and why. I tend to put quite
> some effort in this when I do things, not only because...


> The quilt workflow allows to add a patch and add (meta-) comments to the
> git commit adding that patch, why it needed to be added etc. When
> directly adding patches on git level, this is not possible.

I'm not sure what you mean.  The metainformation which would
previously go into the patch description, now goes into the commit

> How is this meta information stored for future readers? Does the
> reader have to search in the debian/changelog and hope something is
> mentioned about it?

Certainly not - quite the opposite.  The commit will show up in gitk
and git log and so on.  You can look at its commit message.

> 2: usage of git
> One thing that is quite disturbing for me personally, is the result that
> is left behind in a git repository when using git-debrebase. Instead of
> having a meaningful history (which is my favourite thing to end up with,
> something you can "browse" and read meaningful things, see above) git
> seems to be used as some sort of ftp server, where a rm *; cp -a * is
> done every time.

Again, I'm not sure what you mean.  Perhaps you're referring to what
you see in gitk without --date-order and without --first-parent ?
It's true that that the full history view is rather complex.

Or perhaps you are running git diff, git log, etc. on debian/patches.
When using git-debrebase, don't do that.  In a git-debrebase branch,
the files in debian/patches are an output which is best ignored.

Instead, look at the history of the actual upstream files.

> The relationship between patches and changes in them is not stored in
> git history because every time things end up in new unrelated commits.

It is true that you can't interdiff patches so easily.  IME one
probably wants to do that rarely anyway.

> The history of the current master branch, doing the packaging from 4.8
> via 4.9 and 4.10 to 4.11 and all the changes still does fit on your
> screen. I like this. I can just read back what I did and why.
> So my question is: how does debrebase care about future readers? How do
> I quickly find out what *actual* changes have happened to the packaging
> from the large commit blurb that I'm looking at? Does this need a README
> with git commands to filter commits in debian/ or other things, or does
> the debrebase tooling need to get features to analyze the git history
> again to produce a useful overview of this information?

The normal git commands for viewing subsets of the history can be
used.  Let me make some suggestions:

  History of package in Debian (disregards upstream history)
      gitk --first-parent
  In a laundered branch, the delta queue is at the top.

  History of the packaging (excluding the delta queue)
      gitk :/debian :!/debian/patches

  Just the delta queue (ie, Debian's changes to upstream):
      gitk --first-parent -- :/ :!/debian

  Full history including old versions of the delta queue:
      gitk --date-order
  The "Declare fast forward" commits you see have an older
  history (usually, an older delta queue) as one parent,
  and a newer history as the other.  --date-order makes
  gitk show the delta queues in order.

  Show complete diff since the last upload:
      git diff dgit/dgit/sid..HEAD -- :/ :!/debian/patches
  (Includes changes to upstream files.)

  Show interdiff of patches, if you really want that:
      git debrebase make-patches
      git diff dgit/dgit/sid..HEAD -- debian/patches

  Also of course there is
      git debrebase status

I think some of this information should be in the manpages.
I'll file a bug about that.

> >   Update d/control  edit control.in     # edit control.in
> >                     run rules to        debian/rules debian/control
> >                      see output,        git commit debian/control
> >                     debdifff?           git diff
> > 
> >   git blame on      not possible        git blame
> >    upstream source
> Not possible? Well, not in the same repo no, but I can't imagine you
> don't know how to do a git blame on the upstream source. Sorry, but this
> does not remotely make sense at all.

This part I wanted to comment on, since it's a useful feature of
git-debrebase branches.  What I mean is that, if I look at some file
in the dgit/stretch branch, which was done by git-debrebase, and do
`git-blame' or `git-log' on that file, I see the upstream history
*and* the patches, all combined.  That is, in the blame output: for
lines which were edited in a patch, it shows the patch, and for lines
which are from upstream, it shows the relevant upstream commit.


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