[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#799986: xen-utils-common: please create /var/run/xen-hotplug from an init script

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Tue Jan 22 19:58:30 GMT 2019

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 6:23:05 AM AEDT Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
> I'm hunting down old bug reports in the Xen packages, and also ran into
> this one. I see why it's useful.
> I can see that current init scripts (well, for Xen 4.11) do create
> /run/xen, as wel as /run/xenstored/:
> https://salsa.debian.org/xen-team/debian-xen/blob/master/debian/xen-utils-co
> mmon.xen.init#L67
> https://salsa.debian.org/xen-team/debian-xen/blob/master/debian/xen-utils-co
> mmon.xen.init#L243
> Do you think this is already enough?

That is good.  Also systemd-tmpfiles entries for those directories would be 
good, systemd-tmpfiles has internal support for restorecon which makes this 

> Can you please help us by confirming that any of the following scenarios
> does apply to your situation?
> * I had this problem, and since upgrading to Stretch / Buster / ? it
> seems it was solved, and I forgot to report it again. Please close it,
> thanks.

Yes this seems to be solved.  I don't use Xen any more due to unrelated 
reasons, but from examining the code it seems fixed.

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