[Pkg-xen-devel] xen-BoF Curitiba

Hans van Kranenburg hans at knorrie.org
Thu Nov 28 19:57:38 GMT 2019

Hi Andi,

On 11/26/19 9:41 AM, Andi Glaeser mobil wrote:
> a few minutes ago I just watched the XEN-BoF from Brazil, I watched only 
> to be precise, and kinf of read it from Ian Jacksons lips, what a 
> thrilling adventure it must be to maintain Xen, and how it constantly 
> keeps you in motion, however I tried it out on my laptop, and it did not 
> work.

Haha. :)

> I had tried out Qubes-OS already, which is based on Redhat and Xen, and 
> thought it might work an Debian Buster as well in a similar way, but in 
> fact it did not, because X-graphics were defective, not usable with 
> intel-graphics.

The Xen packages are a bit different than usual virtualization
approaches where you want to have a functioning desktop and then run
some virtual machines in the background.

Xen is mostly used on servers, in a data center, where you mostly care
about having a few network connections and definitely having a serial port.

> OK, well , you can have Qemu-KVM with paravirtualzied drivers (virtio), 
> but not Xen on the desktop, so it would be usable throuh virt-manager, 
> LXC did not work for me either, there was either NO-login to Debian or 
> no proper operation at all.
> So currently it seems that there are no alternatives to quemu-KVM for 
> virt-manager.

I don't use virt-manager itself, but I'm not surprised if integration
from Xen with it is less optimal than e.g. KVM or virtualbox. The
audience is a bit different.

Have fun,

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