[Pkg-xen-devel] [PATCH 4/9] d/shuffle-boot-files: Rework boot shuffling script

Elliott Mitchell ehem+debian at m5p.com
Thu Dec 3 20:17:08 GMT 2020

On Wed, Dec 02, 2020 at 12:20:49AM +0100, Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
> On 7/17/20 9:05 PM, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > While at it use structures which conform to POSIX, allowing the use of
> > /bin/sh instead of bash.
> And now a third thing gets intertwined, and maybe there are even
> multiple changes happening to a single line. I can't review this, I'm
> not a shell scripting guru who can see through all of this at once, you
> really have to break it down and help me here. And even if I was, this
> whole single diff would be a real challenge to look at for anyone else
> in the future who's debugging a problem with the packaging and ends up
> in here.

Sometimes there are small tiny little bits which don't really feel like
they need their own commits.  It really felt like one substantive thing,
plus a few tiny little niggling bits to get out of the way while at it.

I read what you typed as desiring things the way they were redone in the
latest, smash the commits into the smallest bits possible.  I tend to
think many of those smaller bits don't rate their own commits, but I'm
willing to break things into the smallest sensible bits if possible.

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