[Pkg-xen-devel] [PATCH 08/12] debian/rules: Disable OCAML build when cross-building

Elliott Mitchell ehem+debian at m5p.com
Thu Sep 24 05:08:35 BST 2020

On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 05:13:10PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Elliott Mitchell writes ("[PATCH 08/12] debian/rules: Disable OCAML build when cross-building"):
> > +		install-{tools,docs} CONFIG_PV_SHIM=n OCAML_TOOLS=n
> ...
> > +	@# OCAML doesn't work when cross-building
> > +	if [ "$(DEB_BUILD_ARCH)" = "$(DEB_HOST_ARCH)" ]; then \
> You have this logic twice.
> How about defining BUILD_OCAML_TOOLS as a make variable ?

That depends on what you consider a sufficiently complex expression to
bother merging. "a = b" is a pretty simply expression to try to optimize
out, even if the names "a" and "b" are fairly long.

OTOH there is one spot where "OCAML_TOOLS=n" can be added in *one* place.
Apparently in that blind spot in the center of one's vision...

> > +		$(MAKE) $(make_args_tools) DESTDIR=$t \
> > +			install-{tools,docs} CONFIG_PV_SHIM=n ; \
> > +	else \
> > +		touch $t/etc/xen/oxenstored.conf ; \
> > +		cp -l $t/usr/sbin/xl $t/usr/sbin/oxenstored ; \
> > +	fi
> I don't understand this last part at all.  You're making oxenstored a
> link to xl ?
> Why is simply passing OCAML_TOOLS=n to the upstream build,
> conditionally, not the right thing to do ?  ISTM that that would be a
> lot simpler.

Actually kind of simple if you realize the appropriate place...

The else clause is still needed though.  If someone had both a native
built package which included the OCAML bits, and a cross-built package
which omitted them xen-utils-common still needs oxenstored.conf and the
symbolic link to xen-utils-wrapper.  Otherwise the wrapper for
`oxenstored` would be broken if the cross-built xen-utils-common package
was in use.

With a bit of clean-up you end up with the attached...

(\___(\___(\______          --=> 8-) EHM <=--          ______/)___/)___/)
 \BS (    |         ehem+sigmsg at m5p.com  PGP 87145445         |    )   /
  \_CS\   |  _____  -O #include <stddisclaimer.h> O-   _____  |   /  _/
8A19\___\_|_/58D2 7E3D DDF4 7BA6 <-PGP-> 41D1 B375 37D0 8714\_|_/___/5445

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