[Pkg-xen-devel] [PATCH 02/16] debian/rules: Setup use of noOCAML profile

Elliott Mitchell ehem+debian at m5p.com
Sat Jan 16 18:39:08 GMT 2021

On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 10:18:01AM +0100, Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
> On 7/18/20 9:43 PM, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > This adds support for use of the "noocaml" profile
> This results in a lintian error:
> E: xen source: invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation noocaml
> [Build-Depends: ocaml-findlib <!noocaml>]
> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/invalid-profile-name-in-source-relation.html
> Apparently, you're not just allowed to make up new ones. I didn't know
> about that.
> So, we can't have this one now.

Since the build profile specification page
https://wiki.debian.org/BuildProfileSpec explicitly specifies the
existence of "noocaml".  History says that was added 2020-01-05 18:49:10,
Lintian appears to need its list of tags updated.

The Lintian error page mentioning "nojava" and "noperl" suggests
Lintian was updated after 2016-04-24.  The absense of "noruby" and "nolua"
suggests Lintian's profile support was last updated sometime before

Rereading the Build Profile Specification page though and another issue
is apparent.  Apparently the "noocaml" profile allows changing the set
of packages built, but does not allow the content of the packages thus
built to change.
There is a contradiction here since "cross" pretty well requires
"noocaml" (possibly others).  "cross" is specified not to allow changing
the set of resultant packages, but "noocaml" does allow.

The solution seems to be breaking oxenstored into a separate package and
disabling that build if "noocaml" is specified.

While looking at this, another issue comes up.  Why does
xen-hypervisor-4.11 merely recommend xen-utils-4.11?  True, installing
xen-hypervisor-4.11 without installing xen-utils-4.11 doesn't /break/ a
system, but xen-hypervisor-4.11 is simply useless without xen-utils-4.11.

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