[Pkg-xfce-commits] r4340 - desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian
Lionel Le Folgoc
mrpouit-guest at alioth.debian.org
Tue Nov 2 07:51:31 UTC 2010
Author: mrpouit-guest
Date: 2010-11-02 19:51:21 +0000 (Tue, 02 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 4340
drop libfam-dev build-deps and libgamin-dev build-conflicts
Modified: desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/changelog
--- desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/changelog 2010-11-01 15:46:00 UTC (rev 4339)
+++ desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/changelog 2010-11-02 19:51:21 UTC (rev 4340)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
* debian/control:
- update libthunarx-2-dev dep on libexo-0.3-dev to libexo-1-dev
- drop obsolete hal build and binary deps (this version uses GIO now)
+ - drop libfam-dev build-deps and libgamin-dev build-conflicts
- libthunarx-2-dev: drop dep on libexo-1-dev
- build-depends on libnotify-dev and libgudev-1.0-dev, drop libcairo2-dev
- bump xfce4-panel-dev build-dep to >= 4.7.0
Modified: desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/control
--- desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/control 2010-11-01 15:46:00 UTC (rev 4339)
+++ desktop/branches/experimental/thunar/debian/control 2010-11-02 19:51:21 UTC (rev 4340)
@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@
Uploaders: Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at debian.org>, Emanuele Rocca <ema at debian.org>,
Simon Huggins <huggie at earth.li>, Lionel Le Folgoc <mrpouit at gmail.com>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.4.2~), libexo-1-dev (>= 0.5.1), libxml-parser-perl,
- libfam-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libexif-dev, libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.10.1),
- chrpath, libpcre3-dev, libjpeg-dev,
- libstartup-notification0-dev (>= 0.4), intltool, libxfce4ui-1-dev (>= 4.7.1),
- libnotify-dev, libgudev-1.0-dev [linux-any], xfce4-dev-tools, libtool,
- gtk-doc-tools, hardening-includes
-Build-Conflicts: libgamin-dev [!hurd-i386]
+ libdbus-glib-1-dev, libexif-dev, libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.10.1), chrpath,
+ libpcre3-dev, libjpeg-dev, libstartup-notification0-dev (>= 0.4), intltool,
+ libxfce4ui-1-dev (>= 4.7.1), libnotify-dev, libgudev-1.0-dev [linux-any],
+ xfce4-dev-tools, libtool, gtk-doc-tools, hardening-includes
Standards-Version: 3.9.1
Homepage: http://thunar.xfce.org
Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-xfce/desktop/trunk/thunar/
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