[Pkg-xmpp-devel] Introducing myself, and sponsorship for Jappix

Philippe Gauthier philippe.gauthier at deuxpi.ca
Wed Mar 30 17:55:34 UTC 2011


My name is Philippe Gauthier and I joined the Debian XMPP Team just
recently on Alioth -- thanks! My user name there is deuxpi-guest. I am
joining the team with a first goal to maintain a new Debian package for
Jappix [1].

I am an active member of the Ubuntu-Québec community in Montréal, Québec,
Canada, and I am a native French speaker. My computer stays connected to
IRC on both irc.freenode.net and irc.oftc.net with the nick deuxpi. I can
answer most of the time between 10:00 and 22:00 UTC-4.

Jappix is a very nice PHP and JavaScript web application using the JSJaC
library. A RFS was sent to the mentors list recently [2], but the upstream
source and Debian packaging is already available in the team's Git
repository [3]. The package Maintainer is currently set to the team, and I
set myself as Uploader to make Lintian happy. Maybe this should be changed,
as I don't have uploading privileges.

Many thanks!

[1] https://project.jappix.com/
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/2011/03/msg00345.html
[3] http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xmpp/jappix.git;a=summary

Philippe Gauthier <philippe.gauthier at deuxpi.ca>

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