[Pkg-xmpp-devel] Bug#915967: [gajim] Behaves faulty with respect to MUCs: Doesn't join or doesn't display my own messages.

Bruno Kleinert fuddl at debian.org
Sat Dec 8 19:17:58 GMT 2018

Package: gajim
Version: 1.1.0-1
Severity: normal

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---

I'm using gajim and join a MUC that is hosted on another Jabber server.
For a couple of weeks I'm observing frequently the following symptoms
when I try to join the MUC:

   1. A tab/window for the MUC appears, but neither subject nor
      participants are displayed and the message input field remains
      gray/unusable. I waited up to 30 minutes, but gajim doesn't progress
      any further. I double-checked with another client that the MUC is
      really available.
   2. A tab/window for the MUC appears, subject is displayed but gajim
      shows me as the only participant. The input field is usable, when I
      send a message it's received by other participants. I double-checked 
      with another client that I'm not the only participant in the MUC.

I don't know if this is is relating to the same cause, however this
rarely occuring symptom began to appear at the same time as the two
above: When gajim successfully joined a MUC, sometimes when I send a
message, it isn't displayed in gajim however other participants receive
that message.

I didn't manage to reliably reproduce the symptoms, nor can I remember
the exact point in time when they appeared for the first time. In the
upstream bug tracker [1], I didn't find anything that seemed related.
Disabling plugins does not help.

Greetings - Bruno

[1] https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/issues

--- System information. ---
Kernel:       Linux 4.18.0-3-amd64

Debian Release: buster/sid
  500 unstable-debug  deb.debian.org 
  500 unstable        deb.debian.org 
    1 experimental-debug deb.debian.org 
    1 experimental    deb.debian.org 

--- Package information. ---
Depends                  (Version) | Installed
python3-cssutils        (>= 1.0.2) | 1.0.2-1
python3-keyring                    | 16.1.1-1
python3-nbxmpp          (>= 0.6.7) | 0.6.8-1
python3-openssl          (>= 0.12) | 18.0.0-1
python3-precis-i18n                | 1.0.0-1
python3:any                        | 
gir1.2-gtk-3.0           (>= 3.22) | 3.24.1-2
python3                   (>= 3.5) | 3.7.1-2
python3-gi                         | 3.30.2-1
python3-gi-cairo                   | 3.30.2-1
python3-idna                       | 2.6-1

Recommends                       (Version) | Installed
aspell-en                                  | 2018.04.16-0-1
 OR aspell-dictionary                      | 
ca-certificates                            | 20180409
dbus                                       | 1.12.12-1
fonts-noto-color-emoji                     | 0~20180810-1
gajim-omemo                     (>= 2.5.1) | 2.6.23-1
gajim-pgp                                  | 1.2.24-1
gir1.2-farstream-0.2                       | 0.2.8-4
gir1.2-geoclue-2.0                         | 2.5.1-1
gir1.2-gspell-1                            | 1.6.1-1
gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-1.0                | 1.14.4-1
gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0                       | 1.14.4-1
gir1.2-gupnpigd-1.0                        | 0.2.5-2
gir1.2-secret-1                            | 0.18.6-3
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly                 | 
notification-daemon                        | 3.20.0-3
pulseaudio-utils                           | 12.2-2
 OR alsa-utils                             | 
 OR sox                                    | 14.4.2-3
 OR oss4-base                              | 
python3-crypto                             | 2.6.1-9+b1
python3-dbus                     (>= 0.81) | 1.2.8-2+b2
python3-gnupg                   (>= 0.4.1) | 0.4.3-2
python3-pil                                | 5.3.0-1

Suggests              (Version) | Installed
avahi-daemon                    | 0.7-4+b1
libxss1                         | 1:1.2.3-1
nautilus-sendto                 | 3.8.6-2
python3-gconf                   | 
python3-gnome2                  | 
python3-kerberos       (>= 1.1) | 
python3-pycurl                  |

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