[Pkg-xmpp-devel] XMPP Bug Squashing

Stefan Kropp stefan.kropp at posteo.de
Mon Mar 21 05:48:14 GMT 2022

Hello all,

small text from junior-doc.

> Ultimately, we owe the free software authors and maintainers
> the thanks for what they have given the world. Our work is to
> gather their work together into the Debian distribution, making
> it readily available to children and their guides. Once we
> select a package, we care for its quality, listening to the
> users, sending wishlists, bug reports, and fixes to Debian and
> upstream maintainers. It is this constant dialog between users
> and developers that ensures that the free software and our
> users continue to be our priorities, as we have promised in our
> Social Contract.

Let's look into the current status in the BTS:

 * Status
   * 121 Outstanding
   * 11 Forwarded
   * 1 Pending Upload
   * 2 Resolved
 * Severity
   * 2 Grave functionality bugs
   * 4 Serious (policy violations or makes package unfit for release)
   * 22 Important bugs
   * 61 Normal bugs
   * 15 Minor bugs
   * 31 Wishlist items
 * Classification
   * 10 Patch Available
   * 104 Unclassified
   * 7 More information needed

==> 135 bugs

Top 3:

 * gajim:   46
 * psi:     28
 * mcabber: 13

The oldest bug has been created Nov 2002.
< Let's squash the bugs >
      ( Y )

1) Does somebody needs help on BTS?

If you need help on "How to use the Debian Bug Tracking System",
let me know. We can setup a video call or have a chat to talk
about the most important workflows.

2) Let's divide the workload to different people

Are there volunteers how will take care of one / some packages?
I will take care of profanity, because I have contributed to the
upstream project and using it. Also xmppc.

3) More information needed

There are 7 bugs with 'More information needed'. What shall we
do, when there is no feedback? Do we need a process how we should
handel bugs a) without feedback b) too old c) won't be fixed by

I think it's not a good idea to keep them all open. 

Stefan Kropp

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