[Pkg-xmpp-devel] Bug#1029226: Bug#1029226: gajim: Crashes at startup: "No translations found for en_US"

Brian Vaughan bgvaughan at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 04:17:47 GMT 2023

$ gajim -v
No translations found for en_US
Dirs searched: [PosixPath('/home/brian/.local/share'), 
PosixPath('/usr/share/xfce4'), PosixPath('/usr/local/share'), 
PosixPath('/usr/share'), PosixPath('/usr/share')]
No plugin translation path available
Logger gajim level set to 10
Logger nbxmpp level set to 20
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      Gajim Version: 1.6.1
libva info: VA-API version 1.17.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri/iHD_drv_video.so
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_17
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      English (en) dict 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      English (Australia) 
(en_AU) dict available
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      English (Canada) 
(en_CA) dict available
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      English (United 
Kingdom) (en_GB) dict available
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      English (United 
States) (en_US) dict available
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      FARSTREAM True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      GST True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      AV True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      GEOCLUE True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      UPNP False
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      GSOUND True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      GSPELL True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      IDLE True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      APPINDICATOR False
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim AYATANA_APPINDICATOR True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      SENTRY_SDK True
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim                      Used language: en_US
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Found keyring 
backend: keyring.backends.libsecret.Keyring (priority: 4.8)
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Found keyring 
backend: keyring.backends.SecretService.Keyring (priority: 5)
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Found keyring 
backend: keyring.backends.fail.Keyring (priority: 0)
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Found keyring 
backend: keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10)
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Found keyring 
backend: keyring.backends.kwallet.DBusKeyring (priority: 4.9)
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Select 
keyring.backends.chainer.ChainerBackend (priority: 10) backend
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load app settings
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load soundevents settings
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load status_presets 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load proxies settings
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load plugins settings
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load workspaces settings
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load account 
settings: xmpp.earth
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load account 
settings: conversations.im
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load account 
settings: jabber.ccc.de
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load account 
settings: jabber.org
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Load account 
settings: lightwitch.org
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Commit
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.storage.cache      Connect to 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.storage.cache      1 DiscoInfo entries 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
_fill_disco_info_cache: 18 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
_clean_caps_table: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
_load_caps_data: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.storage.events     Creating in memory
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.storage.events     Connect to None
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.storage.archive    Connect to 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (D) gajim.c.storage.archive    Execution time for 
_get_jid_ids_from_db: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.cert_store         0 Certificates loaded
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.client               Create new nbxmpp client
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: resource changed
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Request password from 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:08 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: password changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.client               Create new nbxmpp client
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: resource changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Request password from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: password changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.client               Create new nbxmpp client
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: resource changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Request password from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: password changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.client               Create new nbxmpp client
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: resource changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Request password from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: password changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.client               Create new nbxmpp client
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: resource changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.passwords          Request password from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: password changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.manager            Found plugin openpgp 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.manager            Found plugin omemo 2.9.0
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.ged                Raise event: plugin-added
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.ged                Raise event: plugin-added
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load contacts from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load keys from keyring
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp            Own Fingerprint at 
start: None
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load contacts from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load keys from keyring
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp            Own Fingerprint at 
start: None
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load contacts from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load keys from keyring
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp            Own Fingerprint at 
start: None
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load contacts from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load keys from keyring
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp            Own Fingerprint at 
start: None
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load contacts from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp.store      Load keys from keyring
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.openpgp            Own Fingerprint at 
start: None
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set settings: plugins
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) Our 
device id: 2064110436
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at xmpp.earth - 1203711098
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at xmpp.earth - 1016697195
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at xmpp.earth - 1441686486
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at xmpp.earth - 34223867
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (xmpp.earth) 99 
PreKeys available
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) Our device id: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) Load device 
from storage: bgvaughan at conversations.im - 1135446738
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) Load device 
from storage: bgvaughan at conversations.im - 1103895549
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) Load device 
from storage: bgvaughan at conversations.im - 1557794766
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) Load device 
from storage: bgvaughan at conversations.im - 709081135
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (conversations.im) 100 PreKeys 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Our 
device id: 525292154
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1225959143
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 386255115
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1475057293
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1302847919
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1074267155
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1421857749
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 2004533368
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 1269596958
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
device from storage: foolishowl at jabber.ccc.de - 926669823
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.ccc.de) 100 
PreKeys available
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Our 
device id: 1494293560
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1177328778
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1957451819
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1522080208
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1532705552
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1449958481
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 851613557
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 1427260316
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) Load 
device from storage: bgvaughan at jabber.org - 926115231
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo              (jabber.org) 100 
PreKeys available
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (lightwitch.org) Our device id: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (lightwitch.org) Load device from 
storage: foolishowl at lightwitch.org - 1482256097
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (lightwitch.org) Load device from 
storage: foolishowl at lightwitch.org - 9686
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.p.omemo (lightwitch.org) 100 PreKeys available
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set settings: plugins
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (xmpp.earth) Load 
from database
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
load_roster: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (xmpp.earth) Database 
empty, reset roster version
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
roster_version changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster (conversations.im) Load from 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
load_roster: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster (conversations.im) Database 
empty, reset roster version
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
roster_version changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (jabber.ccc.de) Load 
from database
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
load_roster: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (jabber.ccc.de) 
Database empty, reset roster version
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
roster_version changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (jabber.org) Load 
from database
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
load_roster: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster           (jabber.org) Database 
empty, reset roster version
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
roster_version changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster (lightwitch.org) Load from database
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
load_roster: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.m.roster (lightwitch.org) Database 
empty, reset roster version
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
roster_version changed
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.notification     Connecting to 
Notifications D-Bus
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.notification     Detected notification 
capabilities: []
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Activate theme
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Activate theme
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Activate theme
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Activate theme
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Activate theme
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.c.idle               Set interval: away: 
300, xa: 900
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.statusicon       Use AppIndicator3 backend
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Loading emoji data; 
application locale is en_US
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Trying locales 
['en_US', 'en']
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Loading emoji data 
resource for locale en_US failed: g-resource-error-quark: The resource 
at “/org/gtk/libgtk/emoji/en_US.data” does not exist (0)
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Loaded emoji data 
resource for locale en
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Null codepoint for 
short name "light skin tone", found U+1F3FB
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Null codepoint for 
short name "medium-light skin tone", found U+1F3FC
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Null codepoint for 
short name "medium skin tone", found U+1F3FD
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Null codepoint for 
short name "medium-dark skin tone", found U+1F3FE
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.gtk.emoji_data_gtk   Null codepoint for 
short name "dark skin tone", found U+1F3FF
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Get 
.gajim-status-online color: rgb(102, 191, 16)
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Get 
.gajim-status-away color: rgb(255, 133, 51)
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Get .gajim-status-dnd 
color: rgb(230, 46, 0)
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Get 
.gajim-status-offline color: rgb(154, 154, 154)
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:09 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_muc: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.archive    Execution time for 
get_jid_id: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.archive    Execution time for 
get_last_conversation_line: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_unread: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.gtk.util             Get screen geometry: 
1920 1080
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.gtk.util             Get screen geometry: 
1920 1080
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.gtk.main             Window state changed: 
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set settings: app
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
is_window_visible changed
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
_commit: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Commit
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.dbus.logind        Name 
org.freedesktop.login1 appeared, owned by :1.6
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.dbus.logind        Obtained shutdown 
delay inhibitor
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.gtk.notification     Notifications D-Bus 
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: last_status 
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Set account settings: 
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.c.settings           Signal: 
last_status_msg changed
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.client               Connect
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.client               State: 3
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.client               Signal: state-changed
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) gajim.gtk.css              Get 
.gajim-status-connecting color: rgb(77, 166, 255)
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (D) gajim.c.storage.cache      Execution time for 
get_contact: 1 ms
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) nbxmpp.stream              (xmpp.earth) Connect
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) nbxmpp.stream              (xmpp.earth) Set 
state: StreamState.RESOLVE
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) nbxmpp.http Request(140536821135232): Created
01/19/2023 20:13:10 (I) nbxmpp.http Request(140536821135232): Request 
sent, method: GET, uri: https://xmpp.earth/.well-known/host-meta

On 1/19/23 18:44, Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> I assume, that the crash is not related to the message, but to this bug:
> https://bugs.debian.org/1028638
> Could you run `gajim -v` or even run it in a debugger? Maybe you can
> check, if it is the same bug.
> Cheers

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