[Pkg-xmpp-devel] Prosŏdy bugs in bullseye

Thorsten Glaser tg at debian.org
Tue Nov 7 01:25:17 GMT 2023


as operator of a Prosŏdy server I was contacted by the developers
of the Monal client about a known, fixed, bug where the server
sends invalid push notifications (so their proxy would catch that).

Upgrading to Prosŏdy from bullseye-backports (and prosody-modules
correspondingly) fixes that.

Maybe it’d be good to communicate that to users via a stable update
or something or backport the fix or so? I’ll leave details to you
and the SRM.

When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival

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