[pkg-xtuple-maintainers] Bug#724305: [Pkg-postgresql-public] PostgreSQL 9.1 support in jessie?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Sep 25 20:29:25 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA256

On 25/09/13 11:41, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Re: Daniel Pocock 2013-09-25 <5242A851.1080907 at pocock.com.au>
>> Apart from the procpid issue, are there likely to be many other
>> painful issues with migrating apps?
> standard_conforming_strings defaults to 'on' in 9.2+, just like
> the pg_stat_activity was already changed in 9.2.
> Given that 9.2 has been around for a year (plus the beta period
> before that), there's little excuse for applications not to have
> been fixed yet.
>> Given that concurrent versions are supported on Debian, is there
>> any hope of keeping 9.1 as an option for people who want to build
>> Debian systems that are more in sync with commercial
>> distributions?
> You could use wheezy, it has 9.1. (Or apt.postgresql.org as Martin 
> said.)

Ok, thanks for all that feedback

upstream has SQL code in the client GUI and also in their database
creation code, which is a separate source package

upstream also provides individual tarballs with database upgrade code
to help people migrate between versions.  Patching all of those would
be a real pain.

Access to the procpid stuff is via stored procs, not just in regular
C++ code where we could put conditional logic for the database version.

I only found one reference to procpid in the C++ source, but the SQL
schema creation code has a few things, I also see similarly named
symbols like soheadlock_procpid, do those have to change too?

$ grep procpid postbooks_empty-4.0.2.sql
  PERFORM pg_try_advisory_lock(datid::integer, procpid)
    WHERE(procpid = pg_backend_pid());
  PERFORM pg_advisory_unlock(datid::integer, procpid)
    WHERE(procpid = pg_backend_pid());
     AND (procpid = pg_backend_pid()));
     AND   (soheadlock_procpid=pg_backend_pid()) );
227	desktop	userOnline	 Copyright (c) 1999-2012 by OpenMFG LLC, d/b/a
xTuple. See www.xtuple.com/CPAL for the full text of the software
license.	-- Group: desktop\n-- Name:  userOnline\n-- Notes: \n--
Copyright (c) 1999-2012 by OpenMFG LLC, d/b/a xTuple.\n-- See
www.xtuple.com/CPAL for the full text of the software
license.\n\nSELECT usr_id, usr_username, usr_propername, usr_email,\n
      min(backend_start) AS client_start, max(query_start) AS
query_start,\n       sum(CASE WHEN(database IS NULL) THEN 0 ELSE 1
END) AS cnt_internal,\n       sum(CASE WHEN(database IS NULL) THEN 1
ELSE 0 END) AS cnt_external,\n       client_addr, '0' AS
cnt_internal_xttotalrole, '0' AS cnt_external_xttotalrole\n  FROM
pg_stat_activity\n  JOIN usr ON (usr_id=usesysid)\n  LEFT OUTER JOIN
pg_locks ON (database=datid AND classid=datid AND objid=procpid AND
objsubid=2)\n WHERE(datname=current_database())\n GROUP BY usr_id,
usr_username, usr_propername, usr_email,\n          client_addr,
cnt_internal_xttotalrole, cnt_external_xttotalrole;\n	\N	\N	0

The full SQL is here:

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