[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#826994: Bug#826994: Bug#826994: Bug#826994: Missing init-script(s)?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Mon Jul 4 19:42:44 UTC 2016

[Craig Sanders]
> I've since seen notes saying:
>       To setup the init script links in /etc/rc?.d manually on a Debian
>       GNU/Linux (or derived) system, run the following commands (the
>       order is important!):
>         update-rc.d zfs-import start 07 S .       stop 07 0 1 6 .
>         update-rc.d zfs-mount  start 02 2 3 4 5 . stop 06 0 1 6 .
>         update-rc.d zfs-zed    start 07 2 3 4 5 . stop 08 0 1 6 .
>         update-rc.d zfs-share  start 27 2 3 4 5 . stop 05 0 1 6 .

These notes are obsolete.  Debian no longer support the start/stop
arguments to update-rc.d, as dependency based boot ordering is used.
Use the 'defaults' versions mentioned above.  Note the ordering is still
important, as the dependencies must be registered before the scripts
using them.

> I guess that means "patches welcome".

Yeah.  Especially tested patches. :)

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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