[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#915886: enum-extract.pl output

Ben McCann bn.mccann at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 03:52:46 GMT 2018

This script fails because the include file passed to it doesn't exist:

cd /var/lib/dkms/zfs/0.7.12/build
sudo ./scripts/enum-extract.pl node_stat_item
Can't open /lib/modules/4.19.0-1-amd64/build/include/linux/mmzone.h: No
such file or directory at ./scripts/enum-extract.pl line 26.

The include (mmzone.h in this case) doesn't exist because 'build' points to
the CPU specific include directory and not the 'common' include directory:

ls -l /lib/modules/4.19.0-1-amd64/build
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Dec 11 21:24 /lib/modules/4.19.0-1-amd64/build ->

ls -l /lib/modules/4.19.0-1-amd64/build/include
total 44
drwxr-xr-x 715 root root 36864 Dec 19 21:13 config
drwxr-xr-x   3 root root  4096 Dec 19 21:13 generated

I don't think the extraction script is the problem. It appears the problem
is in the 'zfs-dkms' configure script because it doesn't look for include
files under '/lib/modules/4.19.0-1-amd/*source*.
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