[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#826994: ZFS Missing init-scripts, Status? #826994

Lumin cdluminate at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 13:16:43 BST 2018

Hi Chris,

I guess aron is busy recently. Anyway personally I'm going to look into
non-systemd init system support for ZFS because I planned to get rid of
systemd forever.

Since I'm new to this package and it's bugs, some time is needed for me
to go through the historical discussions and do some checks and tests
by myself. That will take some time.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 09:52:01AM -0600, Chris Dos wrote:
> Hello Aron,
> I would just like to get a final statement from you regarding if this patch is
> going to be applied or not?
> If this sysvinit bug is going to forever remain a wishlist and never have the
> patch applied, then say so and I'll make other arrangements and no longer
> maintain the patch.
> 	Chris

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