[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#928118: Full backtrace

James Youngman james at youngman.org
Sun Apr 28 15:05:59 BST 2019

It looks like zfs_ioctl() failed.

(gdb) up
#1  0x00007fc97fa7342a in __GI_abort () at abort.c:89
89 abort.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) up
#2  0x00007fc98065cfc0 in zfs_verror (hdl=0x55f5e8395060, error=2072,
fmt=0x7fc98066d4a4 "%s",
    ap=0x7ffdd5e52c40) at libzfs_util.c:306
306 libzfs_util.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) up
#3  0x00007fc98065d5c3 in zfs_standard_error_fmt (hdl=0x55f5e8395060, error=22,
    fmt=0x7fc98066d4a4 "%s") at libzfs_util.c:434
434 in libzfs_util.c
(gdb) up
#4  0x00007fc98065d248 in zfs_standard_error (hdl=0x55f5e8395060, error=22,
    msg=0x7ffdd5e56330 "warning: cannot estimate space for
'zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56'") at libzfs_util.c:370
370 in libzfs_util.c
(gdb) up
#5  0x00007fc980652111 in estimate_ioctl (zhp=0x55f5e9138760, fromsnap_obj=2270,
    fromorigin=B_FALSE, flags=(unknown: 0), sizep=0x7ffdd5e56798) at
1028 libzfs_sendrecv.c: No such file or directory.
(gdb) print zc
$1 = {zc_name = "zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56", '\000'
<repeats 4053 times>,
  zc_nvlist_src = 0, zc_nvlist_src_size = 0, zc_nvlist_dst = 0,
zc_nvlist_dst_size = 0,
  zc_nvlist_dst_filled = B_FALSE, zc_pad2 = 0, zc_history = 0,
  zc_value = '\000' <repeats 8191 times>, zc_string = '\000' <repeats
255 times>, zc_guid = 1,
  zc_nvlist_conf = 0, zc_nvlist_conf_size = 0, zc_cookie = 0,
zc_objset_type = 0,
  zc_perm_action = 0, zc_history_len = 0, zc_history_offset = 0,
zc_obj = 0, zc_iflags = 0,
  zc_share = {z_exportdata = 0, z_sharedata = 0, z_sharetype = 0,
z_sharemax = 0},
  zc_objset_stats = {dds_num_clones = 0, dds_creation_txg = 0, dds_guid = 0,
    dds_type = DMU_OST_NONE, dds_is_snapshot = 0 '\000',
dds_inconsistent = 0 '\000',
    dds_origin = '\000' <repeats 255 times>}, zc_begin_record = {drr_magic = 0,
    drr_versioninfo = 0, drr_creation_time = 0, drr_type =
DMU_OST_NONE, drr_flags = 0,
    drr_toguid = 0, drr_fromguid = 0, drr_toname = '\000' <repeats 255 times>},
  zc_inject_record = {zi_objset = 0, zi_object = 0, zi_start = 0,
zi_end = 0, zi_guid = 0,
    zi_level = 0, zi_error = 0, zi_type = 0, zi_freq = 0, zi_failfast = 0,
    zi_func = '\000' <repeats 255 times>, zi_iotype = 0, zi_duration =
0, zi_timer = 0,
    zi_nlanes = 0, zi_cmd = 0, zi_pad = 0}, zc_defer_destroy = 0, zc_flags = 0,
  zc_action_handle = 0, zc_cleanup_fd = 0, zc_simple = 0 '\000',
zc_pad = "\000\000",
  zc_sendobj = 2300, zc_fromobj = 2270, zc_createtxg = 0, zc_stat =
{zs_gen = 0, zs_mode = 0,
    zs_links = 0, zs_ctime = {0, 0}}}
(gdb) print/x &zc
$2 = 0x7ffdd5e52d80
(gdb) print zc.zc_sendobj
$3 = 2300
(gdb) print zc.zc_fromobj
$4 = 2270

Not sure why we're getting an invalid argument response here.  In case
the problem relates to the properties of the snapshot itself:

$ sudo zfs  get -t snapshot  all zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56
NAME                                        PROPERTY
VALUE                  SOURCE
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  type
snapshot               -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  creation              Thu
Jul 26 16:33 2018  -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  used                  0B
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  referenced            96K
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  compressratio
1.00x                  -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  devices               on
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  exec                  on
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  setuid                on
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  createtxg
8331968                -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  xattr                 on
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  version               5
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  utf8only              off
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  normalization         none
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  casesensitivity
sensitive              -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  nbmand                off
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  guid
9150995594612994616    -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  primarycache          all
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  secondarycache        all
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  defer_destroy         off
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  userrefs              0
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  mlslabel              none
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  refcompressratio
1.00x                  -
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  written               0
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  clones
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  logicalreferenced     40K
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  acltype               off
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  context               none
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  fscontext             none
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  defcontext            none
zpool1 at syncoid_jupiter_2018-07-26:16:33:56  rootcontext           none

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