[Pkg-zfsonlinux-devel] Bug#1068559: zfs-linux: isolation-machine autopkgtest fails: zfs-test-suite times out (hangs?)

陈 晟祺 harry-chen at outlook.com
Thu Apr 11 16:18:13 BST 2024

Hi Paul,

2024年4月11日 20:59,Paul Gevers <elbrus at debian.org> 写道:


With the default size of the ramdisk and 2 cpu's the test crashes with:

Test: /usr/share/zfs/zfs-tests/tests/functional/large_files/setup (run as root) [00:00] [PASS]
Test: /usr/share/zfs/zfs-tests/tests/functional/large_files/large_files_001_pos (run as root) [00:00] [PASS]
Test: /usr/share/zfs/zfs-tests/tests/functional/large_files/large_files_002_pos (run as root) [00:00] [PASS]
Test: /usr/share/zfs/zfs-tests/tests/functional/large_files/cleanup (run as root) [00:00] [PASS]
qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 132251 (/usr/bin/python3)
autopkgtest [12:28:46]: ERROR: testbed failure: timed out on command "cat /run/autopkgtest-reboot-mark" (kind: short)
root at ci-worker13:~#

That at least hints that those tests *might* be generating a bit too large files to be handled in this case. Maybe worth making these tests conditional on free space if they aren't already.

Thanks for your detailed diagnosis. I adjusted a test option to limit the maximum file size [1].
Also I fixed numerous test errors caused by missing dependencies [2]. Yet I am concerned that some
tests might fail, in turn, due to insufficient disk space. If so I will have to ignore some tests on either side.

If possible, could you help to build with latest code on salsa then run autopkgtest again on a normal debci VM?
I am also testing that locally.

[1]: https://salsa.debian.org/zfsonlinux-team/zfs/-/commit/f6bea9224c4bf734ac381bac36a995dfd33b2078
[2]: https://salsa.debian.org/zfsonlinux-team/zfs/-/commit/177d5b2eab39cf8ca0e7bb66d462b4886f2372e4

Shengqi Chen

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