[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: [zope] Zope packaging policy

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis luca@debian.org
Thu, 26 Feb 2004 10:08:16 -0600

If no one objects, i would continue discussion only on pkg-zope-developers.

On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 11:09:30AM +1100, Donovan Baarda wrote:
> I've just had a look and have a few comments.

Thanks for reading.

> The first and second pages talk about a default "zope" package and hint
> at "other zope package versions". The third page then talks about the
> zopeZ-pythonX.Y package providing zopeZ packages, and "zope" depending
> on a particular "zopeZ". 

This document is far from being finished and I'll gladly accept comments even
about its structure.

> Do we really need to support multiple concurrent zope versions? My gut
> feeling is yes, especially with the transitions to zope 3 becoming more
> and more rocky, it will make sense to have old zope versions available.
> Do we need the -pythonX.Y part in the names? It seems Zope versions will
> always be tightly bound to particular Python versions. This means the Z
> part should make the pythonX.Y part redundant, and we don't need to
> support multiple installs of the same Zope version using different
> versions of Python.

Well, look at 2.6 series. There was a point in which it worked with more than a
particular version of python, and such a situation might happen again in
future. On the other hand, if there will ever be a Zope version working only
with a particular python version, X and Y will be implicit and `-pythonX.Y'
part will be removed from packages names (Or, at least, i tried to say/imply
this in the document).

> Has much thought been given to zope-foo packages that support multiple
> zopeZ versions?
> Also in the past I have had problems with zope-foo packages that
> specified a particular version of python2.1, only to become out of date
> as zope moved on to python2.2, but still worked (zope-zwiki...). Perhaps
> a dependency on zopeZ alone without specifying a particular pythonX.Y
> would fix this?

Using the support for multiple python version, zope policy should imply that a
source package of this kind have to build a binary package for each working
combination of X, Y and Z (Also should tell you how to set up dependencies).

At the beginning we could agree on supporting only one python version for each
zope version, introducing more python version later. A simple dependency on
zopeZ would be enough in this case, but i would not use it.

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis              | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][-A-Za-z]*[iy]'?s$   | as fine or rude sentences have
Infinite loop: see `Loop, infinite'.        | something in common: they
Loop, infinite: see `Infinite loop'.        | don't depend on the language.