[Pkg-zope-developers] zope 2.7 - 14

A Mennucc mennucc1@debian.org
Wed, 5 May 2004 14:44:49 +0200


zope2.7 - 14 is out; apt repository is 

 deb  http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/zope/debian/sid ./
 deb-src  http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/zope/debian/sid ./

This is a major change wrt the previous ones:
* the .deb is called zope2.7 and it installs into /usr/lib/zope2.7
* it can coexist with package zope 2.6 (that is in Debian)
* FHS compliant 

the above is NOT tested (I cannot risk to install it here ...
 it may break my site, which will be paid in a few days :-) 
 I need to find a PC where to test it)


Andrea Mennucc
 "one houndred and fifty - the chicken sings"