Bug#436148: zope-common: man dzhandle doesn't explain defaults

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at kobold.it
Sun Aug 5 19:22:27 UTC 2007

Hi Ross,

* 2007-08-05 21:02, Ross Boylan wrote:
> The man page for dzhandle(1) lists many options under make-instance,
> but mostly does not say what the default behavior is if the option is
> omitted (or perhaps some arguments are mandatory?).   It would be
> helpful if it did.

I'll take care of this with the next upload (in a few days).

> Is dzhandle in section 1 because users can run it to install instances
> in their home directory?  I would have expected to find it in section
> 8.

Yes, you can use dzhandle as non-root user, creating and managing zope
instances in your home directory. I use this feature in my daily work and
it is quite handy to test new products and develop zope-based software.


Fabio Tranchitella                         http://www.kobold.it
Free Software Developer and Consultant     http://www.tranchitella.it
1024D/7F961564, fpr 5465 6E69 E559 6466 BF3D 9F01 2BF8 EE2B 7F96 1564
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