Bug#411657: Transition from sarge-etch for zope packages

Jonas Meurer jonas at freesources.org
Wed Feb 21 17:33:05 CET 2007

On 21/02/2007 Fabio Tranchitella wrote:
> * 2007-02-21 15:17, A Mennucc wrote:
> > > 
> > > Depends: python (>= 2.4) | python2.4, ...
> > > 
> > > would do the trick, leaving the old python package around without removing
> > > python2.3, but I'm not even sure and to say the truth I do not understand
> > > why the dependency on python2.4 has been replaced with python (>= 2.4).
> > 
> > quite on the opposite, I fail to see why this would help.
> > May you explain better?
> Because zope-common requires python (>= 2.4), which conflicts with
> the sarge version of python2.3. So far, so good.
> If the user managed to install zope-common, he already has installed
> python2.4 in his system (because zope-common only works with python2.4)
> from sarge-backports, testing or unstable.
> In this scenario, the dependency block "python (>= 2.4) | python2.4" is
> satisfied because python2.4 is already installed and apt does not have to
> install the new python package, which would lead to the python2.3 removal.
> Urgh, my english is terrible.. Is it more clear now? I do not know if this
> would actually work, and all I need now is a god fix for #411657.

If i understand it correctly, zope-common should depend on python2.4,
but not on python (>= 2.4), and use python2.4 directly.

This would avoid an upgrade of the default python package and just
introduce the new python2.4 package. This way, the old python (<= 2.3),
python2.3 and zope2.7 could stay on the upgraded system.

But maybe I'm just mixing up things.


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