somewhere in the not-too distant past, I did the following:

Harry L. Lee harry at
Thu Jul 26 01:02:36 UTC 2007

install debian 3.1
apt-gret install zope-zwiki
OI could go to /etc/xop<something> and edit default.conf to use port 80.
go into zope from a web server and add a wiki.

I'm trying to build a debian 4.0 server, and I'm most disappointed to find
this relatively intuitive process does not work and when I do something
foolish like googledebian zwiki howto, I end up in a miasma of broken links
and less than clear instructions. I've tried switching to plone since I
can't get just zope to work on port 80.
wtf am I doing wrong?

harry at
Harry L Lee (via gmail)
chief cook and bottle washer
mailto:harry at
207-384-8030 (email preferred)
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