Bug#464975: plone3-site: Upgrading to 3.0.5-2 breaks plone cmf

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at kobold.it
Sun Feb 10 11:51:52 UTC 2008


* 2008-02-10 08:17, Soren Stoutner wrote:
> Package: plone3-site
> Version: 3.0.5-2
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
> Upgrading a Debian testing box to 3.0.5-2 from 3.0.5-1 (I believe) on my
> AMD64 box broke the Plone CMF.  In the Zope management interface it lists
> my Plone folders by name with the following text in parethesis afterwords
> "This object from the CMFPlone product is broken!"  When I click on the
> broken objects it loads a page with the following text: "This object is
> broken because the CMFPlone product that created it is no longer
> installed or is installed incorrectly. Please contact the product
> maintainer for assistance.  Note that the data associated with this
> product has not been lost, and will be accessible again if the product is
> reinstalled."

Can you please send me the output of "find /var/lib/zope2.10/plone3-site"?

> Could their be some old config files hanging around that caused this
> confusion and also relate to this bug?

Are you using the plone3-site instance or an hand-made one?


Fabio Tranchitella                         http://www.kobold.it
Free Software Developer and Consultant     http://www.tranchitella.it
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