zope-formulator with no user base in Debian?

Tranchitella Fabio tranchitella.fabio at dmgroup.hu
Thu Jul 17 12:21:56 UTC 2008

* 2008-07-17 14:04, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Is it OK if I keep the maintainer information this way:
>    Maintainer: Debian/Ubuntu Zope Team <pkg-zope-developers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
>    Uploaders: Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>,
>     Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
> (just added myself) or should I explicitely remove you or even this
> list?  I would love to put the packaging stuff into a common VCS.

It is ok to keep the list as maintainer and me as uploader; just upload the
package and commit it into our common svn repository.


Tranchitella Fabio                      tranchitella.fabio at dmgroup.hu
DM GROUP Kft.                                   http://www.dmgroup.hu
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