Bug#656552: zope2.12-sandbox: fails to upgrade from testing

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Thu Nov 22 10:56:12 UTC 2012


Ivo De Decker <ivo.dedecker at ugent.be> writes:

> In other  words: the package creates  an (empty) zope instance  in the
> postinst, but fails to install if  such an instance exists. This makes
> a reinstall fail.
> It seems the relevant parts of these scripts come from zope-debhelper,
> so this bug probably originates there.

Thank  you so  much  for investigating  this issue.   IMHO,  we can  set
'zope-common/remove-instance-without-data'  to  remove  by  default,  as
there is no  point at aborting by  default if there is no  data. What do
you think?

Arnaud Fontaine
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