Retiring from the pkg-zope team

Barry Warsaw barry at
Tue Jun 17 13:54:57 UTC 2014

On Jun 17, 2014, at 02:43 PM, Brian Sutherland wrote:

>It's been a very long time since I've been active in any way in zope
>packaging and I'd like to make it official that I'm leaving the team.

Although I'm new to the team, thank you for all you've done in the past.

>One suggestion I have for the future team is to transfer ownership of
>all python-* packages that the pkg-zope team manages to the Debian
>Python Modules Team (DPMT).


There's a fair bit of fragmentation across the Python/Debian landscape, and
I'd like to see more consolidation to DPMT for libraries.  I'm also personally
in favor of a strong culture of team maintenance.  It's worked well for DPMT
and it means we're all pitching in together to help make the Python
ecosystem on Debian really rock.  I'm willing to help!


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