Bug#783377: Packaging new version of ZODB (Zope Object Database)

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Wed Nov 2 01:46:04 UTC 2016


> I write  to debian-python, because  some of the involved  packages are
> not specific to  Zope. Actually, I even think that  ZODB itself is not
> specific to Zope, but well,  changing section of existing packages can
> be another topic.

This has  already been discussed  but all  the packages in  pkg-zope SVN
repository will have to be  moved to python-{modules, apps} repositories
(because there  is almost no activity  on pkg-zope and most  modules are
used independently  of Zope anyway)  and we should use  debian-python ML
for the  same reason,  so yes,  please use  debian-python ML  and commit
everything to python-{modules, apps} repositories.

Also, let  me know  when you  want to  upload as  I can  sponsor without

Arnaud Fontaine
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