[Pkg-zsh-devel] Bug#794967: zsh: please enhance /etc/zshrc

Carsten Hey carsten at debian.org
Sat Aug 8 20:25:27 UTC 2015

Package: zsh
Severity: wishlist

Please enhance /etc/zshrc:

 * Please add some additional keybindings, at least for the emacs keymap:

   - bind PageUp "${terminfo[kpp]}" to history-search-backward

   - bind PageDown "${terminfo[knp]}" to history-search-forward

     The bash like history-search-end magic would be an alternative for
     PageUp and PageDown, but history-search-backward does not require
     running zle -N ...

   - bind BackTabKey "${terminfo[kcbt]}" to reverse-menu-complete

     In terminfo(5), the capname cbt is described as "back tab (P)"
     and kcbt is described as "back-tab key", therefore the suggested
     'BackTabKey' instead of 'BackTab' - even though grml confuses
     people that know terminfo(5) by using 'BackTab' as name.

   - Maybe F1 could invoke run-help?  But then the output of run-help
     w/o arguments should be more useful for new users.

   - Red Hat maps or mapped space to magic-space, I think Debian should
     _not_ do this, but initially I thought that this would be a good

 * $key should be unset unless there is a reason for not doing so.

 * (( ${+aliases[run-help]} )) requires the zsh/parameter module.  If,
   in rare cases, possibly involving zsh-static, there is a chance that
   this module is not loaded successfully, you should consider doing
   this instead to remove the alias w/o error message:

     alias run-help=
     unalias run-help

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