[Pkg-zsh-devel] Bug#776964: Headers installed by zsh-dev packages miss critical pieces

Frank Terbeck ft at bewatermyfriend.org
Tue Feb 3 22:58:39 UTC 2015

Hey there!

ZyX wrote:
> To use zsh headers in some module at least `config.h` file is needed

Finally, someone who actually wants to use zsh's facilities to load
third party modules. Yay. ;)

> in addition to those already present in the package. `config.h` files
> contains defines guessed by ./configure script and including it prior
> to `zsh.h` is the only sane variant to include `zsh.h` (insane variant
> is using module’s own configure script which will create those
> defines). Without `config.h` including `zsh.h` will fail due to
> missing defines, and even if it was not failing it would make #include
> <zsh.h> do the wrong thing because of the bits like

I agree.

> (configure.h-driven definition of zlong and zulong which has the potential of breaking ABI compatibility in some cases).
> In addition to this file it is good to have a patched `zsh.mdh` file
> which glues together all zsh includes and is a single entry point.
> Patch needed to include this file in the distribution may be performed
> with the following script:
> 	for file in Src/{zsh.mdh,*.h} ; do

We'd probably want to do that in a POSIX compatible way, so we'd refrain
from using brace expansion but that's just cosmetics.

> 		sed -i 's@\.\./config\.h at config.h@' "$file"
> 		sed -i 's@#\(\s*\)include "\([^"]\+\)"@#\1include <zsh/\2>@' "$file"

Sed's -i option requires GNU sed. But then, I don't know if debian even
ships another version of sed. ...I think it doesn't; but I also don't
know about the policy with respect to non-POSIX features in packaging.

> 	done
> . I am doing this in a Gentoo ebuild and the result works just fine.

Yeah, I think this could work.

Do you think it would make sense to include the other header files with
zsh-dev as well? Like "zshterm.h" etc?

Regards, Frank

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