[Pkg-zsh-devel] Bug#807836: builtin unlimit leads to "xargs: invalid number for -s"

Thilo Six debian at Xk2c.de
Mon Jan 4 15:59:45 UTC 2016

Hello Daniel,

Daniel Shahaf schrieb/wrote:

>> Now if unlimit would instead evaluate the maximum physical possible size for
>> that limit and activate that, i would say nice.
> Managing system resources is the OS's job, not zsh's.  I suggest you
> look into configuring your OS to set the hard limit as a function of the
> available hardware.  Then, calling 'unlimit' in zsh will behave as you
> expect (without any code changes to zsh or to your zsh script).

Ahh that sounds like the one missing puzzle piece that would glue it all
together. I will dig this up.

>> question:
>> Something i was not be able to 100% verify up to now, but i guess from what i
>> read so far that input size on shell prompt relates to stack size in terms of
>> rlimit?
> The stack contains function call frames.  The input to the shell would
> be allocated on the heap, not on the stack.

I am not sure i will be able to make any sense for my self out of this. But i
will try. Currently i am running a bit out of time. So this will take a larger
timeframe then the past few days.

> Hence, it would be affected
> by the memory allocation limits, not by the stack size limits.

Thanks for the hint. This will help.

Again Thanks Daniel for taking the time to shed some light on this.

At this point i tend to agree that this bug here is invalid. As the discussion
here has culminated some "behind the scenes" it might still be good a idea to
add a pointer towards here for others. Here is hope that someone else will find
it useful.
What is the correct status to set on this issue here? Closed or wont fix?
I suspect rather the former then the latter?


kind regards,


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