[Pkg-zsh-devel] Bug#844710: Bug#844710: autocorrection suggested rm for typing mr without typing "y"

Martin Steigerwald martin.steigerwald at teamix.de
Fri Nov 18 12:59:34 UTC 2016

Am Freitag, 18. November 2016, 13:00:24 CET schrieben Sie:
> Hi Martin,
> Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > ms at intraws:~/Backup/Mail/Linux> mr kernel-ml_archive.gz
> > kernel-ml_archive_2014-1b.gz zsh: correct 'mr' to 'rm' [nyae]?
> > rm: das Entfernen von „kernel-ml_archive_2014-1b.gz“ ist nicht möglich:
> > Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
> > 
> > I didn´t type yes, as when I type "y", it is shown on command line:
> > 
> > ms at intraws:~/Backup/Mail/Linux#1> LANG=C mr test
> > zsh: correct 'mr' to 'rm' [nyae]? y
> > rm: cannot remove 'test': No such file or directory
> > 
> > And I really didn´t type "y" there, I am pretty sure of that, but I may
> > have hit another key by accident.
> Indeed scary.
> From the output it look to as if "Enter" had been pressed on a
> first glance. But if I press "Enter" (on Sid at least) it shows an "n"
> instead afterwards. (Since I have mr installed, I tested it with "rmm"
> which is only available if nmh or mailutils-mh is installed.)
> After some experimenting I noticed that while pressing Enter is
> equivalent to pressing "n" and also prints an "n", pressing the space
> bar is equivalent to "y" _without_ printing a "y".
> So you very likely hit the space bar accidentially.

Yikes! Space bar to confirm? And correction to "rm".

Actually what I tried to type was "mv". I obviously wanted to move the file. 
But I accidentelly typed "mr". And then, yes, likely the spacebar.

I think this deserves a fix in the software :)


Martin Steigerwald  | Trainer

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