[Pkg-zsh-devel] Why are not all completions from /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/ working automatically?

Daniel Shahaf danielsh at apache.org
Tue Nov 7 10:48:21 UTC 2017

Axel Beckert wrote on Mon, 06 Nov 2017 21:17 +0100:
> /usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_git-extras, but e.g. "git eff<Tab>"
> does not complete for me to "git effort" as expected, even not in a
> freshly spawned zsh process.

That file doesn't say #autoload or #compdef  in the first line...

... which is a good thing, because it sets a zstyle, possibly overriding
styles set in the user's zshrc.  _git-extras needs to find another way
to communicate to core's _git which extra git subcommands it provides.

I was inspecting the sid package 4.4.0-1.



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