[Pkg-zsh-devel] Processing of zsh-syntax-highlighting_0.6.0-2_amd64.changes

Daniel Shahaf danielsh at apache.org
Tue Jul 3 11:20:06 BST 2018

Axel Beckert wrote on Mon, 02 Jul 2018 23:41 +0200:
> Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> > I haven't received a "z-sy-h 0.6.0-2 .changes ACCEPTED into unstable" 
> > mail.  Is there a problem with the upload?
> Hrm. AFAIK the "Processing" mail means that at least the GPG key and
> the hash sums in the .changes file have been verified successfully, so
> it shouldn't be an unknown GPG key nor an incomplete upload.


> > I wondered if it might be the lintian warning but the 'debian-watch-could-verify-
> > download' tag isn't listed on
> > <https://ftp-master.debian.org/static/lintian.tags>.
> Nah, that's a rather minor issues. Don't expect rejects for anything
> below lintian's (red) "E:" level warnings.


> And also, you should have received a REJECTED mail in such a case.

I have received neither REJECTED nor ACCEPTED.

> Which also means that I don't yet have an idea what went wrong, either.


The .deb was on ftp.upload.debian.org/pub/UploadQueue/ yesterday, but
now it's neither there, nor on incoming.d.o, nor shows up in sid.  What would
be the next step?  `reportbug ftp.debian.org`, or?



P.S. In case it helps, I've copied the signed artifacts to

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