[Pkg-zsh-devel] Refreshing patches for z-sy-h 0.7.0

Daniel Shahaf danielsh at apache.org
Mon Jul 22 03:27:53 BST 2019

Daniel Shahaf wrote on Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 03:08:16 +0000:
> [ tl;dr: Building z-sy-h for current sid fails to apply debian/patches/set-version.patch. ]


> And then I tried to build the resulting tree in a fresh sid chroot.  It
> failed because not all patches had been refreshed, so I logged into the
> chroot and refreshed the patches using sid's quilt(1):
> 	$ quilt() { QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt "$@"; }
> 	$ quilt push && quilt refresh
> 	$ quilt push && quilt refresh
> 	$ quilt push && quilt refresh
> 	$ dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -ui
>> 	dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
> 	can't find file to patch at input line 22
> 	Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
> 	The text leading up to this was:
> 	--------------------------
>> 	|--- zsh-syntax-highlighting.orig/Makefile
> 	|+++ zsh-syntax-highlighting/Makefile
> 	--------------------------
> 	No file to patch.  Skipping patch.
> 	2 out of 2 hunks ignored
> 	dpkg-source: info: the patch has fuzz which is not allowed, or is malformed
> 	dpkg-source: info: if patch 'set-version.patch' is correctly applied by quilt, use 'quilt refresh' to update it
> 	dpkg-source: error: LC_ALL=C patch -t -F 0 -N -p1 -u -V never -E -b -B .pc/set-version.patch/ --reject-file=- < zsh-syntax-highlighting.orig.iOgnHm/debian/patches/set-version.patch subprocess returned exit status 1
> 	dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 2

This looks odd: patch(1) is invoked with the -p1 option, implying it
expects its cwd to be the root of the source tree, but its stdin is
which seems to imply that the patch(1)'s actual cwd is the parent
directory of the source tree.  Might that be the problem?

My pbuilder configuration has a hook that does «cd "$BUILDDIR"/*/debian/..»,
but that shouldn't be related, for two reasons:

1. The hook's letter is "C", so it's only executed after a build

2. According to both the pbuilder(1) man page and pbuilder's source³,
hooks are not _sourced_ but _executed_, so chdir(2) calls in the hook
shouldn't affect anything outside of it.

> I've also tried changing deleting the "---\n" line from the preamble of
> the patch, but that didn't help either.  I haven't tried rebuilding the
> latest version of the package against current sid (ENOTIME).

0.6.0-3 was built in sid on tests.reproducible-builds.org a few minutes
ago.  Both builds were successful.  Thus, either something in sid
changed between my build yesterday and the build on r-b today, or the
merge from upstream broke something, or the r-b build setup is different
to mine.



³ The function 'executehooks' in the source of pbuilder=0.230.4, the
current sid version.

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