[Pkg-zsh-devel] [HK] U.S.A: Chinese Agents Arrested for Participating in Persecution of Falun Gong

Enrico Stark enrico.stark1985 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 30 04:46:40 GMT 2024



I am writing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to you.

On May 26, 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the arrest of two CCP (Chinese Communist Party) agents. They are accused of participating in a plan to persecute Falun Gong practitioners in the United States.

John Chen, aka Chen Jun, 70, a Los Angeles resident and former citizen of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and Lin Feng, a Los Angeles resident and Chinese citizen. They allegedly participated in a CCP-directed scheme targeting U.S.-based practitioners of Falun Gong.

The Chinese government views Falun Gong as one of five threats to its rule. In China, Falun Gong practitioners face a series of repressive measures from the Chinese government, including imprisonment and torture.

Please find enclosed the full article in a PDF file or click to continue reading:

👉 Chinese Agents Arrested for Participating in Persecution of Falun Gong

Yours faithfully,

PS: Click to read new articles by Falun Gong’s founder, Mr. Hongzhi Li:
How Humankind Came To Be

   - Why the Creator Seeks to Save All Life 🙏

PS: End the Evil Chinese Communist Party! Sign This Petition


Falun Gong (also commonly known as “Falun Dafa”) is an ancient Chinese spiritual discipline in the Buddhist tradition. Pronounced ‘Fah-loon Gong,’ it consists of moral teachings, a meditation, and four gentle exercises that are a truly unique and highly effective way to improve your health and energy levels.

Official website | Try Falun Gong Today | The Persecution of Falun Gong

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