[Popcon-developers] Re: popularity-contest info

Petter Reinholdtsen pere@hungry.com
29 Oct 2003 15:59:56 +0100

[Quim Gil]
> I'm really interested knowing more about the popularity-contest package.
> I've checked the package's page and I've seen there is a developers'
> list (couldn't find the archive though). But I'm not a developer at all,
> just a Debian user working on online media, we development IA, user
> experience, etc.

<URL:http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/popcon-developers/> for
the archives.

The project page is at
<URL:https://alioth.debian.org/projects/popcon/>, and the home page
will grow out from <URL:http://popcon.alioth.debian.org/>.

> This is why I found this tool so cool and this is also why I can't
> understand it is so hidden in the Debian environment. A
> popular-contest package should be somehow popular in the Debian
> community, tis is almost common sense. I'm sure there is an
> explanation for this, but I haven't been able to find it.  :)

The package will be installed by default in the next stable version of
Debian, so I hope it will be more useful and known in the future.  :)