[Popcon-developers] Bug#292163: Wrong permissions on /etc/popularity-contest.conf

Erik Schanze Erik Schanze <schanzi_usenet@gmx.de>, 292163@bugs.debian.org
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 00:23:52 +0100

Hello Thomas!

Thomas Wana <greuff@debian.org>:
> neptun:~# ls -l /etc/popularity-contest.conf
> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 357 Jan 25 15:04 /etc/popularity-contest.conf
> which makes it world readable. The permissions should be adjusted.
I agree with your objections, but /usr/sbin/popularity-contest will be started 
by user nobody in /etc/cron.weekly/popularity-contest, so how could he be 
able to read the configuration file with your permissions?

There should be more adjusted then.

Kindly regards,

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