[Popcon-developers] problem with popcon

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sun Mar 19 08:26:35 UTC 2006

[Folkert van Heusden]
> There's a small problem with popcon: if a package is not on the
> first cd, it might never be tried hence won't be voted on the first
> cd at all.  A "chicken v. the egg" problem.

As far as I know, this is no real problem, as a majority of people
install debian using a mirror on the net and not from CD.  At least I
do.  Because of this and other factors, I do not believe people use
packages because they found them on the first cd, but because they
need them, and thus the installation count from popcon reflect package
need to a certain degree.

But the "competition' to be on the first CD is hard, as there are
enough packages to fill more than 10 CDs, so a package need to be
quite important or popular to get on the first.

The distribution of packages on the install CD is decided by the
debian-cd project, so if you have some important package that need to
go on the first CD, I recommend you discuss it on debian-cd@ or
debian-boot at .

Petter Reinholdtsen

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