[Popcon-developers] Bug#462268: Bug#462268: i dont understand this...

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Wed Mar 19 23:11:39 UTC 2008

[Petter Reinholdtsen]
> A decrease is a lot harder to explain as anything else than a DOS
> issue, so I decided to test if that will happen first.

This is the way I plan to extract the measurements:

  ssh popcon.debian.org
  (cd /org/popcon.debian.org/popcon-mail/all-popcon-results; \
   for f in  popcon-2008-03-*.gz; do \
     echo -n "$f: "; zcat $f |egrep 'Submi|Release: 1.44'; \

The current result (to early to conclude, I belive) is

  popcon-2008-03-01.gz: Submissions:    76046
  popcon-2008-03-02.gz: Submissions:    76043
  popcon-2008-03-03.gz: Submissions:    76122
  popcon-2008-03-04.gz: Submissions:    76136
  popcon-2008-03-05.gz: Submissions:    76062
  popcon-2008-03-06.gz: Submissions:    76098
  popcon-2008-03-07.gz: Submissions:    76144
  popcon-2008-03-08.gz: Submissions:    76193
  popcon-2008-03-09.gz: Submissions:    76404
  popcon-2008-03-18.gz: Submissions:    77416
  popcon-2008-03-19.gz: Submissions:    77395
  Release: 1.44                              77

Must admit I am surprised to see some decrease already, with 77
machines upgraded to version 1.44 in unstable, and down 21

I'm on vacation and offline until sunday, so I will not do anything
more with this until then.  I suspect we should wait for 20 days
before we know, which is the period a submission is kept before it is
removed, if it isn't updated by the client.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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