[Popcon-developers] Bug#414865: Required changes in deborphan done, how to proceed? (Was: Bug#414865: popularity-contest: A script to filter requested/recommended/suggested packages)

Carsten Hey carsten at debian.org
Wed May 13 20:51:41 UTC 2009

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 03:53:51PM +0200, Carsten Hey wrote:
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 10:10:17AM +0200, Christophe Lohr wrote:
> > Please find in attachment a first draft of such a wrapper. Is it what
> > you mean?
> Yes, this looks good.  I would prefer to pass all option except possible
> popcon-nodependency ones to orphaner an let orphaner handle the rest,
> this would minimize future changes in popcon-nodependency, but there is
> no need to adapt this before the rest of the script is finished.  Before
> calling orphaner can be added I need to add the required options to
> deborphan.

I think it's time to think about how this feature should be implemented.
Christophe already provided a wrapper script missing the parts where he
needed to wait for me.  He could finish it now if requested.

Do you, popcon maintainers, prefer to add such a wrapper (not a fork as
originally planned by Christophe) around orphaner to your package or
should I try to merge his work into orphaner?  As already said, I'd be
happy with both.

The required changes in deborphan, adding the option --include, have
just been made and will be part of the next release.  I forgot that
there is already an option --guess-only, which (now, after a litte
adaption) does the same as --no-libs would have done:

    $ ./deborphan --guess-only -i wml,apt,acl,wiggle,perl

The wrapper needs to to something like tr '\n' ',' to get the list
format needed by deborphan, for example (not tested):

    orphaner --show-size --guess-only -i $(popcon-largest-unused \
                                         | awk '{print $2}' \
                                         | tr '\n' ',' \
                                         | sed 's/,$//')

To be able to test your wrapper you need either to build the debian
package and install it, or add something like this to orphaner.sh:

    alias deborphan="/path/to/your/workingcopy/trunk/src/deborphan"

You need to run the following commands to install the build dependencies
and to create the required makefiles to build deborphan:

    As root:
        apt-get install build-essential subversion
        apt-get build-dep deborphan

    To get the code run as user:

        svn co svn://svn.debian.org/deborphan/trunk

    And to generate the makefiles:
        cd trunk


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