[Popcon-developers] [PATCH] Update the list of other popcon installations

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sat Oct 5 15:27:04 UTC 2013

On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Bill Allombert
<Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux1.fr> wrote:

> Thanks for your patch. However if you are going to keep this information
> up-to-date maybe we should put it somewhere more easily accessible that a
> file in a GIT repository. Maybe we could link it from popcon.alioth.d.o.

Do you mean remove the related projects section from the README and
add it to the website or wiki page?

I also forgot about Fedora's efforts; the popcon port, smolt
(hardware, defunct) and the new project to replace smolt called

> For what it is worth, popcon.ubuntu.com is stuck on Aug 2. and the package is
> still 1.57.

Pinged some Ubuntu people (mfisch, mhall119) on IRC just now.



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