[Popcon-developers] Bug#766276: popularity-contest: Report embedded packages with the Built-Using field

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg at apache.org
Sat Dec 6 20:44:44 UTC 2014

Le 22/10/2014 12:01, Bill Allombert a écrit :

> Do you have an example in mind ?

Hi Bill, an example is the jenkins-common package, it declares a
Built-Using field with:

Built-Using: acegi-security (= 1.0.7-3), bouncycastle (= 1.49+dfsg-3),
commons-httpclient (= 3.1-10.2), guice (= 4.0~beta5-1),
jenkins-ant-plugin (= 1.2-1), jenkins-antisamy-markup-formatter-plugin
(= 1.2-1), jenkins-mailer-plugin (= 1.11-1), jenkins-matrix-auth-plugin
(= 1.2-1), jenkins-matrix-project-plugin (= 1.3-1), jenkins-winstone (=
2.8-1), libcommons-fileupload-java (= 1.3.1-1), libspring-java (=
3.0.6.RELEASE-17), stapler (= 1.231-1)

> This kind of dependency adjustement is done on the server side, not on the
> client (it is done for Depends already), but yes this can be done.

There is a catch though, as the Built-Using field can only track the
source packages and not the binary packages. So unless there is a 1:1
relation between the source package and the binary package it's not
possible to adjust the counter properly (maybe it would make sense to
allow the Built-Using field to specify binary packages btw).

Emmanuel Bourg

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