[Popcon-developers] Bug#791750: Connection reset by peer when downloading http://popcon.debian.org/by_inst.gz

Steven Chamberlain steven at pyro.eu.org
Wed Jul 8 12:00:55 UTC 2015


This is a known issue that has been worsening in the past couple of
weeks - see also this thread:

The server seems to have reached its process limit currently:

    $ telnet popov.debian.org smtp
    Connected to popov.debian.org.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    421 Fork failed
    Connection closed by foreign host.

AIUI the submission CGI script just pipes data through to
/usr/bin/sendmail;  was the queue perhaps getting too full?

With Exim especially, with a large mail queue (1000+), it begins
taking much longer to accept new submissions, or process mails out
of the queue.  CGI submission processes would take longer to complete,
until there may be too many running (unless limited).  There'd be
something of an avalanche effect and some point-of-no-return where it
won't resolve itself without manual intervention?

It might be an idea for some other machine to receive and buffer mail
for popcon.debian.org first (since submissions will come in bursts,
due to many people having the same times in /etc/crontab).

Steven Chamberlain
steven at pyro.eu.org
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