[Popcon-developers] [GSOC] Popcon data

Luciano Prestes lucianopcbr at gmail.com
Wed May 4 20:56:08 UTC 2016

Hello, my name is Luciano Prestes, and I am a Google Summer of Code
student. I am working with AppRecommender, it is a package recommender
system for Debian users.

I was discussing about the project with my mentor and on irc channels
#debian-devel and #debian-apt, and one proposed dea was to use
popularity-contest data to help AppRecommender on making better
recommendations. This recommedation strategy would be a collaborative one,
where we would use popularity-contest data to generate clusters between
user packages. In order to do that, we would need the raw popcon data, not
the current data provided by the website.

I understand the  problems with that approach. But the idea is that
AppRecommender users would only download the pre-processed data from
server. This process data should contain the clusters and any other useful
relation between packages, not any data that can identify a Debian user. Is
there a way to obtain such raw data in order to generate the pre-processed
data ?

Luciano Prestes
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